Thursday, April 1, 2010

Bali, Indonesia - Ubud and the Bukit Penninsula

yummy fresh coconut from a man who appeared from the grases of ubud behind ashlei!
brian's new friend in the monkey forest of ubud, bali.

just your everyday amazing meal in bali.

ashlei in the famous surf spot of ulu watu.

our final sunset in asia in seminyak, bali.

So this was the end aof our tour through Southeast Asia as well as the halfway marker of our entire trip. We only had a week to spend in Bali but it was well worth getting down there for it.

In Ubud we were able to watch some traditional Balinese dance as well as a shadow puppet performance. We walked through endless fields of rice paddies, ate incredible food, a massage on the beach, rode from beach to beach on a motorbike and watched monkeys harrass tourists.

For an island so small it feels like it would take a long time to feel as though you've really seen and experienced all that it has to offer.

And so we leave Asia and head to Istanbul (where we are right now - a very cool city), and begin the European part of our abridged world tour. It's great hearing from you all, and thanks for all the comments. Take care, we're off to Cappadocia on an all night bus tonight.


  1. Long flight to Turkey, huh? Looking at the map I was amazed to see how far it is. Hope you got rested on your long bus ride. Where in Ballard/Fremont can we get a plate of that Bali food? Looks tasty! Take care, love you...DAD

  2. Going underground for a while, huh? Cappadocia sounds quite interesting and historic. The caves and rock chimneys look amazing. Looking forward to your report and pictures!!! DAD

    cheap (EUR 5-15) cave hotels!

  4. Brian I know your birthday is right about now because I remember the festivities this time last year. Your wish was to go out and not see any familiar faces- which of course meant that you ran into several people you knew. Seems as though you've gotten your wish a year late. I hope you have a wonderfully exotic birthday. I suppose I will Have to wait to you and Ash get home to fill the house with balloons!
    Can't wait to see your Turkey photos. I love you both.

  5. Hi all,

    While in Instanbul (or is it Constantinople [nobody's business but the Turks!]?) give my regards to the Hagia Sophia and the Column of the Goths. And, as always, be aware of the vibrant and aggressive cult recruiting scene! See you in a few. Love,

    Andrew (Old Satan!)
